Happy April Fool’s! We’re Busting 5 of the Most Common Female Exercise Myths

You may not have your head buried deep in the latest medical journals, but that doesn’t mean you have to carry around and act upon untrue myths. Particularly in the health and wellness sector, there are tons of proven myths that people – and even athletes – are unaware of. Don’t be an April Fool: here are 5 of the most common female exercise myths.

5 Female Exercise Myths:

  1. Working out will give you big muscles. Unless you decide to take supplements or opt for unnatural means to get big muscles, simply working out regularly or being active in sports will not lead to big muscles. Men get big muscles because of their high testosterone, which is ten times that of women.
  2. It’s good to train harder on your menstrual cycle. While it can be beneficial for menstrual pain to partake in light exercise, it's not good to go too hard or do abdominal cramps when you're menstruating, as this can worsen menstruation cramps. During menstruation, the internal organs get inflamed due to cramps and bloating, which can lead to potential injury of the lower back if you exercise too hard.
  3. A calorie diet should be used during training. Restrictive calorie diets may just do more harm than good, research suggests. Calorie diets increase lipogenic enzymes by 50%, packing fat into the cells, and causing you to lose muscle mass and store fat. Adequate calories are needed always, especially when at a high activity level; it's best to focus on overall healthy eating with a balanced intake of protein, carbohydrates, and fats.
  4. You need cardio to lose weight. If weight loss is the goal, then a complete cardio routine won't actually do the trick the best way. While you can certainly achieve your fat-burning goal while doing cardio exercises like running, it's best to combine cardio and weight-lifting to trim down. Cardio increases your metabolism instantly, while weight lifting keeps your metabolism going for hours after your exercise.
  5. Women don't need supplements. Supplements are a nutritional insurance policy that makes up for a lack of the ability to cook enough meals in the day. Women and men alike should take general health supplements such as a multivitamin, fish oils, and an antioxidant for post-workout oxidative stress. Shop our supplements and vitamins here.
With these female exercise myths debunked, we hope you have a new level of clarity that will have you getting the most out of your workouts or preferred sport!

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