Starting the cycling club search
I was facing last March’s rain, yearning for more outside time and looking forward to getting on my bike. I was wondering what was next. The My First Fondo clinic coach was part of a cycling club and off-handedly said we could join if we wanted. Great, I thought, that is a good place to start The number 1 reason I did not join his club was simple: the website was down.
Eureka! A women's cycling club
It never occurred to me to look for a women’s cycling club. I had seen so few women on the road, I didn't think a feisty group would team up and start a club. It is estimated that only 12 per cent of road cyclists are women. TWELVE! I see that on the road. I had entire training days where I didn’t see another woman. New to the sport, I wasn’t confident enough to even do a test ride with most of the clubs. My goal was to find an intermediate-friendly club – ideally with a good mix of men and women.
How to pick YOUR cycling club
- Flexibility: Look for a club with a variety of distances, speeds and abilities. This may be hard for new clubs but they should clearly define what rides they offer and how they communicate – it is never fun to be the rider at the back, feeling you are holding everyone back.
- Schedule: Find a club that offers a number of rides on different days and at different times. If you can’t make at least two of the rides, perhaps you need to find a different club. If you can’t regularly attend, these aren’t your teammates.
- Passion: Find a club that is active in the local cycling community. You want engaged and passionate leadership active in local politics or advocacy.
- Fun: We all love to ride but, sometimes, it is nice to see the group out of their kit ready for some fun. Social events can be an important part of creating a cohesive and supportive community.
- Communication: How does the club get its information out? Is the website up to date? Are they engaged on social media? Is there a weekly or monthly newsletter? You don’t want to be out of the loop. No one likes to be dropped – on or off the road.
- Education: All riders can improve their skills. Whether it is a post-ride session of changing flats or improving nutrition – education sessions and full-on training days show the club is passionate about creating safe, lifelong cyclists
- Do a guest ride: Check out the group dynamics and see if they work for you. Most clubs allow guests to join on special days or some may simply require a small fee to cover insurance if you don’t have your own. If you ride more than twice, buy the kit and join up.
Beware of some potential pitfalls
- Leadership: Is the club open and transparent? Do the members feel listened to and engaged?
- The clique: Again, is the club truly open or is there a little exclusive group that makes others feel like outsiders? This can happen in all clubs. If there seems to be an inner circle of extra fun, extra joy and inside jokes – give the club a pass.
Check out these other women’s cycling clubs in other parts of British Columbia and Canada:
She Rides Penticton (Penticton)
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