Day to day nutrition
Athletes need to consider what they put in their bodies every day. The small decisions will add up to powerful results and quick recoveries. Laying the foundation of good fuel will carry you through on race or ride day.
Where to get it:
Amazing Grass Superfood Bars Amazing Grass Raw Reserve Vitality Power Iron + Organic SpirulinaOn your ride or race
To fuel any long distance ride you want a consistent energy source - generally in easily absorbed carbohydrates, as well as some protein and electrolytes. Your pre-ride meal is a good base that can fuel your body for a ride for about an hour. After that time it is recommended to have 30-60g of carbs by the American College of Sports Medicine. It is best to eat every 15-20 minutes in small amounts. Typically this is done by munching on gummies or sucking back a gel. It is key to hydrate while you eat. Some electrolyte gels or gummies don’t give their best bang for their buck unless consumed with water. Make sure you are drinking three to eight ounces of water every 15-20 minutes. Some secret tips from seasoned vets include loading up all your gels in a small bottle like marathoners use and tuck it in your jersey so your hands don’t get sticky or dumping your gels into your water. Check out CLIF Shots. Some riders choose to avoid gels altogether and opt for gummies like CLIF Bloks. Each flavour serves a different purpose so ensure you check out the ingredients for the combination of carbs, electrolytes and caffeine that works for you. Despite the candy like taste of some of the gels and gummies some athletes prefer something more substantial in their tummies. There are plenty of energy bars out there and they are not all created equal. Check out the ingredients and choose one that is lower in fat and protein. You may also want to check the fibre. Some rides can be disastrous if suddenly there is more fibre than your body is used to. Save the higher in fat and protein bars for after your race.Post ride

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